Tag Archives: events

Confronting the Climate Crisis: Can Labor Help Shape an Effective Strategy?

The Joseph S. Murphy Institute and the Worker Institute at Cornell invite you to a forum:

Hurricane Sandy off the Carolinas on Oct.28, 2012. NASA photo

Hurricane Sandy off the Carolinas on Oct.28, 2012. NASA photo

“Confronting the Climate Crisis: Can Labor Help Shape an Effective Strategy?”

Thursday, January 17th, 8:30-10:15 am

Murphy Institute, CUNY, 25 West 43 rd St., 18 th floor

A light breakfast will be provided

RSVP to Eloiza Morales at 212.642.2029 or [email protected].

Superstorm Sandy and its disastrous effects on the lives of working-class people have propelled the issue of climate change to the forefront of public policy concerns, challenging leaders at all levels to make it a top priority. The Murphy Institute joins the discussion with a forum, titled “Confronting the Climate Crisis: Can Labor Shape an Effective Strategy?”

Organized in collaboration with the Worker Institute at Cornell, the forum will be held on Thursday, January 17th, 2013 from 8:30 to 10:15 a.m. at the Murphy Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY.

Scientists have said that global greenhouse gas emissions must peak this decade if we are to have any chance of stabilizing our climate and to prevent runaway global warming. Yet 2012 set a record high of 39 billion tons of emissions, 58 percent above 1990 levels. Dr. James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the world’s most influential climate scientist, will explain the nature and scope of the climate emergency we face and outline what needs to be done to meet this enormous challenge.

In response, labor leaders David Coles, President, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada; Hector Figueroa, President, Local 32 BJ, Service Employees International Union; and Bhairavi Desai, Executive Director, New York Taxi Workers Alliance will discuss the role of organized labor in shaping a regional, national, and global approach to both the causes and effects of climate change and will address some key questions: Can labor join with other social movements to advance a bold climate protection agenda that can build workers’ power? Or will unions back off in the face of fossil fuel companies committed to tar sands, shale gas, Artic drilling, and other forms of ‘extreme energy’?

Speakers :

  • Dr. James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies
  • David Coles, President, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, Canada
  • Bhairavi Desai, Executive Director, New York Taxi Workers Alliance
  • Hector Figueroa, President, Local 32 BJ, Service Employees International Union

Please RSVP to Eloiza Morales, at 212.642.2029 or [email protected].

SPS Faculty Development Day, March 30th

Hold the date of March 30, 2012 for our faculty development workshop event organized around the theme of using technology to promote writing in all disciplines. This on-site event is open to and appropriate for all SPS faculty, whether teaching face-to-face, online or hybrid courses.

Activities will include a morning plenary session which will focus on the common challenges and creative approaches to designing effective student writing for all disciplines, a lab session (offered twice– in the morning or afternoon) that will explore how a variety of different technology tools can enhance student writing assignments, and a lunchtime panel featuring faculty presenters. There will also be an opportunity for you to learn more about Blackboard 9 through a lab session available in either a morning or afternoon session.

Faculty are welcome to attend one or more of the sessions during the day, but we ask you to register for your preferred lab sessions and lunch so that we are able to accommodate as many faculty as possible.


9:00-10:50 am                     Plenary session

11am-12:25 pm                    Technology for Writing Lab (morning session)

.                                              Intro to Blackboard 9 Lab (morning session)

12:30-1:25 pm                     Lunch and faculty panel

1:30-3 pm                            Technology for Writing Lab (afternoon session)

.                                              Intro to Blackboard 9 Lab (afternoon session)

WHERE: Murphy Institute, 25 W. 43rd St. (between 6th and 5th Ave), 19th floor.

SPS Applied Theatre and CUNY Creative Arts Team play The Power Game

The CUNY School of Professional Studies is delighted to announce that 10 students and 2 alumni from its Master of Arts in Applied Theatre program are working on the upcoming CUNY Creative Arts Team (CAT) Youth Theatre original production of The Power Game. The play investigates the relationships and responsibilities that exist between people and power, and the kinds of power young people want and have.

The award-winning CUNY CAT Youth Theatre is a free after-school and weekend program that operates virtually year-round.  Its 100-plus members, ages 11 to 24, come from all five boroughs of New York City and represent 58 different public schools. This year is the company’s 15th anniversary. There are no auditions – but participants must commit to being active parts of the CAT Youth Theatre community.  New members are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.  Together, the teens collaboratively create and present original ensemble theatre productions on topical subjects.

helen white

Helen White

“The Power Game developed from the young people’s reflections on how they see power at play in their own lives,”says Helen White, who is a faculty member in the SPS Master of Arts in Applied Theatre program, as well as the CAT Youth Theatre founder, and program director. “Since September, the 42 members who are working on this production have been researching the many faces of power – from physical strength, to peer pressure, to political authority – uncovering many players of the ‘power game’. They have improvised and refined original dramatic scenes that juxtapose systemic power with individual power and have exposed the nuances that exist within these power roles.”

The Power Game will be performed at the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers Street, Manhattan, from February 25 to March 6.  In addition to its public performances, the CAT Youth Theatre will present an afternoon program for school and community youth groups.

For schedule, tickets, and group discount information, contact Elly Richards at (212) 652-2828 or [email protected].

The Deadly Classroom: What Can I Do?

Join SPS Instructor Susan Fountain to Discuss

“The Deadly Classroom: What Can I Do?”

Wednesday June 23, 2010
6:00pm – 7:15pm

CUNY Graduate School and University Center

365 5th Avenue (between 34th and 35th streets) Room C205
New York, NY 10016



Every adult educator wants to prevent the “deadly class” – one in which we can’t get a discussion going, learners are too tired to participate, or students actively resist learning.  Join CUNY School of Professional Studies Adjunct Professor Susan Fountain on Wednesday, June 23rd to discuss strategies for dealing with classroom challenges that every adult educator inevitably faces.  She will draw on adult learning theory to examine how building self-direction, collaboration, critical reflection, and social support can lead to an engaged learning environment.

Presenter: Susan Fountain is an Adjunct Professor with the CUNY School of Professional Studies where she teaches courses on handling conflict, interpersonal dynamics, and adult learning and development.  She is also a staff and development consultant for schools, nonprofits, and UN agencies and the curriculum developer of SPS’ new Advanced (Graduate) Certificate in Adult Learning: Program Design and Facilitation.

SPS’ Advanced (Graduate) Certificate in Adult Learning: Program Design and Facilitation is a four-course (12 credit) certificate in which students will explore how theory and research on adult learning and development can support innovative teaching and learning in the workplace, community-based organizations, and the college classroom.  For more information and registration, visit www.sps.cuny.edu/adultlearning.

To RSVP: Call or email Irma Hernandez

212.652.2061, [email protected]