Tag Archives: adult learning

The Deadly Classroom: What Can I Do?

Join SPS Instructor Susan Fountain to Discuss

“The Deadly Classroom: What Can I Do?”

Wednesday June 23, 2010
6:00pm – 7:15pm

CUNY Graduate School and University Center

365 5th Avenue (between 34th and 35th streets) Room C205
New York, NY 10016



Every adult educator wants to prevent the “deadly class” – one in which we can’t get a discussion going, learners are too tired to participate, or students actively resist learning.  Join CUNY School of Professional Studies Adjunct Professor Susan Fountain on Wednesday, June 23rd to discuss strategies for dealing with classroom challenges that every adult educator inevitably faces.  She will draw on adult learning theory to examine how building self-direction, collaboration, critical reflection, and social support can lead to an engaged learning environment.

Presenter: Susan Fountain is an Adjunct Professor with the CUNY School of Professional Studies where she teaches courses on handling conflict, interpersonal dynamics, and adult learning and development.  She is also a staff and development consultant for schools, nonprofits, and UN agencies and the curriculum developer of SPS’ new Advanced (Graduate) Certificate in Adult Learning: Program Design and Facilitation.

SPS’ Advanced (Graduate) Certificate in Adult Learning: Program Design and Facilitation is a four-course (12 credit) certificate in which students will explore how theory and research on adult learning and development can support innovative teaching and learning in the workplace, community-based organizations, and the college classroom.  For more information and registration, visit www.sps.cuny.edu/adultlearning.

To RSVP: Call or email Irma Hernandez

212.652.2061, [email protected]

Free Webinar!

  How can adult educators and trainers both support and challenge learners to address their assumptions about race? How can uncomfortable, emotional and/or conflictual conversations about race be transformed into learning opportunities for students — and teachers? Join two experienced adult educators for a conversation about these and related questions.
This free webinar is designed for adult educators in corporate, nonprofit and community settings, as well as college instructors and graduate students who plan to teach. 

The webinar will be presented by Bonnie Johnson and Susan Fountain,
both Adjunct Professors at the CUNY School of Professional Studies (SPS).

Bonnie Johnson develops multi-cultural and human relations training models, and lectures widely on issues of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and class bias.  She teaches courses in race, class, gender and leadership as an Adjunct Professor for the Off-Campus College program at SPS.


Susan Fountain teaches courses on handling conflict, interpersonal dynamics, and adult learning and development as an Adjunct Professor with the Off-Campus College program at SPS. She is also a staff development consultant for schools, nonprofits and UN agencies. 


Space is limited. Use the button below to register now, or visit: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/398759234  

Register Now!