Kim Canty

Name: Kim Canty
Program: Online M.S. in Business
Course: BUS 696 Global Virtual Enterprise Capstone

Highlights: This ePortfolio not only includes information on the Global Virtual Enterprise project produced by Kim and her team, which was submitted to CUNY IVE’s SmartPitch Challenge, but also includes information about previous coursework taken as an undergraduate student at SPS. Through reading her “road to graduation” speech we learn why she chose to complete both her undergraduate and graduate degrees at CUNY SPS.

“I loved the whole process. Once I learned how to navigate the site, I was excited. I was able to put all my work together in a manner that looked great and flowed well. I contacted the [ePortfolio team] when I ran into difficulty. My chat partner was terrific.”

Click here to view Kim’s ePortfolio

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